Wallowas Pack-N-Park

July 20-27, 2014
PNW Rockies
Year of the Wolf
Type of Trip:
Juried Artist Retreat
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The 'pack-n-park' combines the adventure of Signal Fire’s backpacking expeditions with the relaxing model of our renowned Outpost Residency. For the first four days our group will trek through Oregon’s Eagle Cap Wilderness, a dramatic subalpine wonderland. After our initial four days on the move, we’ll make a base camp for relative luxury camping with ample time to generate self-directed work.

The Wallowa Mountains are the Pacific Northwest’s worst- kept secret: Eagle Cap, Oregon’s largest wilderness area, protects the core of this dramatic range, which rises abruptly from the plains to over 10,000 feet. Inside the boundary you’ll find glacier fed lakes, looming granite crags, and some of the most pristine country around. This is the arena where gray wolves began their return to Oregon.

The Wallowas are the ancestral home of the Nez Perce tribe. Despite years of ranching, logging, and mining, many of the more remote reaches are as pristine as we’ve ever seen. Our group will learn about the human and nonhuman history of this special place, with an emphasis on the effort to reintroduce gray wolves. Signal Fire guides will provide instruction on safe and comfortable backcountry travel and facilitate activities that support a meaningful creative engagement with the wild.

Participants: Kara Thompson, Nolan Calisch, Stacy Carlson, Elizabeth Harris, Crys Moore, Benjamin Morris, Linda Russo, Corinne Teed.

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