Tinderbox: Columbia Riverkeeper

August 1 -October 31, 2016
Columbia River
Unwalking The West
Type of Trip:
Tinderbox Residency
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Columbia Riverkeeper and Signal Fire have chosen local musician Holcombe Waller as an artist-in-residence for Fall 2016. The internationally-recognized composer and performance artist spent three months working with and researching the efforts of Columbia Riverkeeper to inform and inspire a project in the works.

Holcombe Waller is a dynamic performer in both music and contemporary art. Most recently his piece Requiem Mass: LGBT/Working Title, a ceremonial choral piece originally presented at Portland Institute for Contemporary Art’s TBA Festival, traveled to New York and Sydney, Australia for a continued run. Performed in churches and cathedrals with an all-abilities community choir, Requiem Mass invokes remembrance and peace for the dead who have suffered persecution for their sexual orientation or gender expression.

Columbia Riverkeeper’s mission is to protect and restore the water quality of the Columbia River and all life connected to it, from the headwaters to the Pacific Ocean. Representing over 8,000 members and supporters, Columbia Riverkeeper works to restore a Columbia River where people can safely eat the fish they catch, and where children can swim without fear of toxic exposure. The organization is a member of Waterkeeper Alliance, the world’s fastest growing environmental movement, uniting more than 200 Waterkeeper organizations worldwide.

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