California Stars (Wide Open Studios Summer Immersion)

June 16-July 21, 2013
Southern California
Type of Trip:
Wide Open Studios
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"The power of the imagination makes us infinite." —John Muir

Join Wide Open studios for a six-week adventure through the wild heart of California.

Our group of eight students and two instructors will embark together on five sequential backpacking trips to some of the Golden State’s most stunning and remote mountain landscapes. As we go, we’ll discover the natural beauty and biological diversity that have shaped a land of startling breadth and contrast. The name California conjures images of showbiz, gridlocked freeways, and plastic surgery, but California was also the birthplace of the modern environmental movement. What, and where, is the real California?

The trip will travel from the rugged Santa Lucia mountains above Big Sur, north to the botanical splendor of the Klamath Mountains, then back south along the Sierra Nevada, ending among the world’s largest trees in Sequoia National Park. Our studies will be shaped by the dramatic landscapes and by the natural and cultural history we explore.

Participants: Grace Chen, Kendall Core, Liliya Drubetskaya, Mateo Hao, Megan Marzec, Dean McCrillis, Skye Mitchell, Zach Tittell

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