Crossing Cascadia (Wide Open Studios Summer Immersion)

August 3-30, 2014
Year of the Wolf
Type of Trip:
Wide Open Studios
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“The power of the imagination makes us infinite.” —John Muir

Signal Fire and Oregon College of Art and Craft invite you to a life-changing experience: four weeks in the wild reaches of the Pacific Northwest. Ten students will share an odyssey spanning Oregon, from the flanks of the Cascades to the foothills of the Rockies. Expect fern-lined pools holding water so pure you can drink it from the stream, long August nights with meteor showers, and mountain meadows boasting uncountable legions of wildflowers. Add fireside discussions about the urgent role of art in the face of ecological threats, projects to catalyze your practice into truly wild territory, and new friends and skills you’ll keep for the rest of your days.

Participants: Andrea Jacobs, Amanda Beekhuizen, Melanie Szemis, Megan Wainwright, Laura Mark, Jadene Mayla, Maggie Rogers, Katie Lennard, Lora Martin, Mathew Guido.

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