Silver: Backcountry Film Workshop (Wide Open Studios)

September 9-15, 2018
Oregon Cascades
Type of Trip:
Wide Open Studios
Flickr image collection:
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Julie Perini will be designing and leading a weeklong outdoor experimental film school, beginning with the concept of celluloid as real physical material that can be altered and informed by the process of the journey and in dialogue with the Earth. Filmmaking will become a sensual, tactile endeavor, in addition to a visual and auditory practice.

Participants will share a backpacking journey through the historic mining and timber country of the Santiam River watershed, making and sharing short films in response to the experience. Participants will engage in conversations about when, why, and how to document the environment and our own experiences. This workshop is appropriate for anyone looking to reinvigorate their creative practice by unplugging from technology, examining the quality of their attention, and then thoughtfully engaging with documentation devices again. 16mm film supplies will be provided and participants should bring their own video, cell phone, or other cameras and recording devices.

Participants: James Bear, Terri Fidelak, Amanda Madden, Erin Mallea, Ethan McGinnis, Samantha Panger, Jeff Sterrenberg, Jen Vaughn, Cristina Victor

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