
The Return of the Winter Wrens

The Return of the Winter Wrens

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February 7, 2014

Winter Wren was a temporary artist residency run by Ryan Pierce, a Visiting Professor of Art at Eastern Oregon University in 2012. The premise was simple: artists could stay two to four weeks in the upstairs of the house Pierce rented from EOU faculty Jessica Plattner, exploring the area and utilizing Plattner’s studio space, in return for giving a short lecture at the University.

The project operated under the auspices of Signal Fire, an organization Pierce co-founded with Amy Harwood in 2008 that provides wilderness retreats and residencies for artists of all disciplines using public land. Winter Wren sought to introduce new artists to the natural wonders of the Blue Mountains and Grande Ronde Valley and, in turn, expose EOU students to the artists, who came from Australia, Quebec, San Francisco, Montana, and Portland. This exhibition features work from seven of the eight Winter Wrens, made at the residency or influenced by their experience in La Grande.

Artists: Nicole Breedon, Wayne Bend, Kiera Brew Kurec, Gillaume Legare, Rebecca Najdowski, Julie Perini, Kerri Rosenstein.

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