
Glipse of the World

Glipse of the World

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Wednesday, June 26

GLIMPSE OF THE WORLD: A Summer Gathering for Signal Fire

2014 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Wilderness Act. This decisive act was passed in 1964 and created a legal definition for “wilderness.” When President Johnson signed the bill, he famously stated, “If future generations are to remember us with gratitude rather than contempt, we must leave them a glimpse of the world as it was in the beginning, not just after we got through with it.”

Signal Fire welcomes the summer and celebrates the wild with a gathering of supporters. We plan to host a BBQ and evening of performance, open to our growing community. We hope to raise necessary funds for Signal Fire’s programs, while still holding an inclusive and welcoming event for people to attend.

CAMP COOK-OFF: A group of experienced campers and cooks compete for the best backpacking meal. We’ll have a small jury of local chefs award the winner. All of the meals will be given to Signal Fire before the event and go into a cookbook that each attendee will go home with.

EVENT PERFORMERS: John Gnorski, David Oates (Leaf Litter reading), Jodi Darby (film).

SCREENPRINTING: Bring your own shirt and get a print of “Artists Are In Tents”!

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